Tuesday, November 15, 2011

nANT C# Assembly Labeller (CruiseControl.NET)

If your using CruiseControl.NET for your build automation then your going to implement it's biggest advantage: Controlled and consistent version labeling.

The example below shows hows to add version labeling to CruiseControl.NET and then access the label in nANT for processing AssemblyInfo.cs files.

Step 1:  Add the CruiseControl.NET assemblyVersionLabeller to your ccnet.config file. This will provide access to the CCNETLabel environment variable for the rest of your project.

   NOTE: In the example below, major, minor and build are hard coded into ccnet.config file to provide a single point of control, revision will be generated from the source control system.

   <labeller type="assemblyVersionLabeller">

Step 2:  Create your nANT script to search and update all AssemblyInfo.cs files in your source code. You will have to update the <items basedir="..\..\"> based on the location of your nANT script and your source code.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="setversion" default="setversion">
<target name="setversion" description="Sets the version number to CruiseControl.Net label.">

    <script language="C#">
            <include name="System.dll" />
            <import namespace="System.Text.RegularExpressions" />

             public class SetVersionTask : Task
              protected override void ExecuteTask()
               StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(Project.Properties["filename"]);
               string contents = reader.ReadToEnd();

               string replacement = "[assembly: AssemblyVersion(\"" + Project.Properties["CCNetLabel"] + "\")]";

               string newText = Regex.Replace(contents, @"\[assembly: AssemblyVersion\("".*""\)\]", replacement);

               string replacement2 = "[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion(\"" + Project.Properties["CCNetLabel"] + "\")]";

               string newText2 = Regex.Replace(newText , @"\[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion\("".*""\)\]", replacement2);

               System.Console.WriteLine("Updating Version: " + Project.Properties["CCNetLabel"] + ", AssemblyFile : " + Project.Properties["filename"]);

               StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(Project.Properties["filename"], false);


    <foreach item="File" property="filename">
            <items basedir="..\..\">
                <include name="**\AssemblyInfo.cs"></include>
            <setversion-task />

Step 3: Add the following nANT task inside your <tasks> node before compiling the source code to update all AssemblyInfo.cs files.

    <executable>C:\AutomateBuild\nant-0.91\bin\nant.exe</executable>       <baseDirectory>C:\Source_Trunk\ReleaseManagement\Scripts</baseDirectory>

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